Yes, I was one of the fortunate. For sure it was very pleasing. I was able to photograph 137 different speicies of birds in UAE in just one and half years.
I have travelled almost everywhere in UAE in search of new speicies of birds in the last one and half years. And the result was amazing. I was able to photograph 137 species. Thats good for a record.
What I have learned so far? Its tough... real tough... especially IDing a new bird. I can not forget some big names like Tommy Pedersen, Nick Moran, Steve James, etc. They were very helpful.
But I missed something. What is that? Well, I was never able to photograph an Owl in UAE. Thats something amazing... Out of 400+ species of birds seen in UAE, 137 looks quite good. But the list does not contain an Owl. I must be doing something seriously wrong.
I guess (wish) I will be able to find one soon.